
Epilepsy and Pregnancy: Tips To Prepare

I always dreamed of motherhood, but my life’s been full of other rewarding experiences. Instead, I’m a proud cat mom to two lively and lovely felines.

My inability to become pregnant did not stop me from wanting to help other women with epilepsy who have a desire to start a family but aren’t sure how to navigate that path.

I don’t pretend to have all of the answers but I do have beneficial advice to offer.

Pregnancy Preparation:

Consult with your PCP and Neurologist:

Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider who will manage your pregnancy, preferably one specializing in high-risk cases.

Review your current medication:

Some medications aren’t safe for the baby. During your appointment, discuss safer alternatives and whether dosage adjustments are needed.

Take Folic Acid Supplements:

Start taking folic acid supplements before conception. Folic acid helps prevent serious problems with the baby’s brain and spinal cord called neural tube defects.

Track seizure patterns:

Keep a detailed record of your seizures to help your healthcare team assess your epilepsy and adjust your treatment plan.

Limit stress:

Pregnancy can be stressful, and stress is a known seizure trigger. Practice -reducing techniques like yoga, meditation or gentle exercises.

Adopt a healthy diet:

Maintain a balanced diet to support the health of both you and the baby.

Educate your partner:

Ensure that your partner is fully informed about epilepsy, your treatment plan, and what to do in case of a seizure during pregnancy.

Remember, every journey to motherhood is unique, especially when managing epilepsy. By planning ahead and working with your healthcare team, you’re setting yourself up for a happy, healthy pregnancy. Trust yourself and lean on your support system – you’ve got this!

Tiffany Kairos

I am a happily-ever-after wife, an epilepsy diagnosee, advocate for epilepsy awareness (The Epilepsy Network), life lover & Christ inspired! Life is a journey and I'm loving every moment of it. Even the bumps in the road!

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