Five Reasons I Love My Life Even More Because Of My Epilepsy
“Inhale the future, exhale the past.”
I have read quite a few articles about the difficulty of depression and the possibility of losing ones identity after becoming diagnosed with epilepsy, and how caregivers can experience quite a roller coaster ride themselves when a loved one is drastically changed after an epilepsy diagnosis, but it’s so rare that we focus on the positives that might rise to the surface from the very impact of epilepsy. We aught to I think. We really aught to. There’s so much benefit that can be extracted from it.
In 2008, I encountered a Grand Mal seizure behind the wheel of my car on my way to the store to buy Christmas and birthday presents for my husband and family. I would later be diagnosed with epilepsy. That was almost 7 years ago now. I thought my life was shattered and broken when doctors had first told us the news. Looking ahead toward the future looked so bleak in the beginning. Now, looking ahead toward the future looks ever promising every moment. It feels like so long ago that I had felt any of those feelings.
Opening the door to God, putting things into perspective, allowing enough time to pass, and the pain to heal the hurting you feel it truly does help so much.
Five Reasons I Love My Life Even More Because Of My Epilepsy
1.) I Am Alive – I could have died the morning of December 11th, 2008. God decided I had more to do here with my family and friends and for the world. Though living with epilepsy was and is challenging, I continue to fight back with all my strength even when there are days when I feel like throwing in the towel. I know there is a cure out there for us all. I thank God every day for saving my life.
2.) I Have A Greater Outlook On Life – Since becoming diagnosed with epilepsy, my outlook on life has changed, and for the better. I would like to think that I have passed this outlook on life to family and friends as well, keeping them focused on the things that are most important in life. Before my accident, I was more focused on the mentality of “you only have one life” do whatever you want to do, now my mindset consist along the lines of quality time with family, taking good care of our health with diet and exercise and especially having a great relationship with The Lord.
3.) My Heart Is Swollen With Compassion – I can most certainly tell that since my epilepsy diagnosis, my heart has swollen with compassion, with love, with understanding and sympathy because I know what it is to face pain, heartache, loss and many other feelings. Since becoming diagnosed with epilepsy, I made it my sole mission to understanding epilepsy and to helping others rise above epilepsy not only physically but emotionally and spiritually as well because in order to win this battle it not only takes a physical toll but an emotional and even a spiritual toll as well and we must be there for one another to keep each other strong like extended family to get through this.
4.) I Am A Blessed Wife – I can only begin to imagine how challenging it must be for my husband to take care of me when a seizure occurs. He is an amazing man to take on such a task. For all that he has to endure with having a wife with epilepsy, I am always reminded to thank God for such a blessing of a husband.
5.) I Wanted To Share This Story With You All – I wanted to share this story with everyone so that it could help those who may be going through a very similar circumstance. The epilepsy journey is my way of allowing the world to have a greater understanding of my journey with epilepsy. My story, the hopes, and information, to those around the world who are interested in reading.
Epilepsy is a challenging neurological condition for anyone who is living with it. It is difficult and a cure has yet to be found. It’s frustrating for those living with the condition and for the caregivers too. However, those who refuse to quit. Who refuse to give up the fight. Who keep seeking out answers. Keep hope alive. Never ever give up. No matter what. We are all in this fight together.
Hello Tiffany,
Your words inspire me. Diagnosed just 5 short weeks ago, I’m adjusting to the medications and still having seizures. However, I recently celebrated 4 seizure free days only to face the next few days with 3 events.
I know I will adjust, and ultimately embrace the challenge just handed down. However there are some frustrations in getting used to anything new, some days are great and some are just okay. But each day brings joy, hope and a bit more persistence!
Getting diagnosed at 60 years old is not going to deter me from living life to the fullest. Nor will epilepsy slow down my professional life. If anything, I believe my life is richer and fuller now. Thank you for sharing your story.
Tiffany Kairos
Hi Lorraine –
I’m happy in hearing that this has been inspiring for you. 🙂 Being newly diagnosed, adjusting to the medications and battling seizures can be overwhelming and I urge you to stay strong. Every seizure free day is indeed worth celebrating! Congratulations on your 4 days seizure free! 🙂 Of course, there may be setbacks but the comebacks are so great. Yes it does take time to adjust to it all and remember, you are not alone in this fight. There is a very large community of epilepsy fighters and supporters all around the world. The Epilepsy Network (TEN) offers an incredible community of over 20,000 worldwide. At times, it can be frustrating and exhausting but the key is to never give up! You’ve got a beautiful attitude right there. 🙂 Hold onto that persistence and perseverance.
All the best to you!